I read "Pop Culture Gone Wild" and I really like the style of writing. The author was very convincing.. it was a serious article, yet she wrote it almost as if she was having a conversation and it was laid back. The contradictions were all interesting, some of which we've talked about it class and some that we haven't and I can definitely relate them to previous experiences I've had.
A few of the Contradictions I've seen: "Be a Virgin... but be Sexy," "Be a lesbian.. Who likes men," "Be available... but Unattainable."Those are the most obvious I've seen in today's society.
"Be a Virgin... but be Sexy.” So you’re supposed to know how to be sexy, and how to tease, and how to have sex, but you better not! Guys are allowed to constantly beg and plead and try to manipulate you to have sex with them by lying and then if you do your “used and old news.” I saw that happen to so many girls in middle school. And then they were lost, because what did they do from there…?... have sex more to feel that empty lot of attention that they were getting before, when they were special because they were still a virgin.
"Be a lesbian… Who likes Men.” I’ve seen this present in porn and party situations. Well I haven’t honestly watched girl on girl porn but I know that there is a lot of porn that adds extra girls into situations. And they’re supposed to “mess around” but yet be with the guy too. So they’re supposed to represent lesbians but not actually be true lesbians. Or at parties guys will say they’ll make out with their guys friends if they girls will make out with their girl friends… which is totally just persuasion because the guys never follow through with it.
"Be available... but Unattainable." This one is different in that is isn’t only for girls. The game of “play hard to get” is pretty common among all age groups but is confusing. You never know exactly what’s going on when you’re playing it and if you’re even playing yourself? I think this is a combination of not wanting to be too vulnerable and the society representations of being “to easy of a catch.” But it’s confusing!! Are we supposed to be available or not?
Those are just some thoughts I have on them…