Monday, November 30, 2009


I watched Crash recently, one of my favorite movies! In the movie, a racist/bias cop pulls over a mulato (biracial, I don't know how to spell it?) couple (in a vehicle) for public indecency. The cop tells the woman to get up against the car to search her. As he searches her, he inappropriately gropes her and touches her private areas. I feel like this would never happen to a man, or very rarely anyways. It’s not right that women are being “molested” by authority figures. In a way I think the wrong people want to be cops. A lot of people I know who want to be them, break the law in ways such as underage drinking and smoking pot. They want to be a cop so they can break the law without worrying about getting caught. Being a cop is also another profession that is mainly viewed as a man's job. Occasionally women are cops but i don't think for the same reasons? Sorry no offense if anyone wants to be a cop and I’m sure that’s not how it is for everyone. But as a woman, if I was ever pulled over by myself in an area without people around I would be very hesitant and nervous… not that I wouldn’t be in the first place anyways haha.

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