Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Essay

My Essay was on the reading "Man" by Alex Kuczynski . The article was very interesting. It was about the change in female gender since feminism. Females tend to be more forward with romantic and sexual things than they used to be. A while ago, women weren't even supposed to call people on the phone. Present day; there's pretty much nothing holding us back from anything socially. Because women have gotten more equality in circumstances such as education and athletics they feel more empowered to have equality in other parts of their life. This is being applied to younger generations as well and causing more forwardness and promiscuity. That's Kuczynski's belief but I don't see a direct connection. I definately see a connection in feminism encouraging women to be more dominant sexually but I don't think that is directly why. Generations ago, women wouldn't do that because it was part of their "gender role" but feminism caused their gender role to change which in turn caused behavior change. He also mentions the media, which I think definately is directly causing the forwardness in women.

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